Remember me?! I'm still here working on my food and body stuff, trying new things, learning more about what works and what doesn't, and I've realised that it's pretty easy to get stuck.
This realisation came to me during a Taekwondo class a few weeks ago, our instructor had us go through a visioning exercise where we had to think about our ideal life - it got me thinking that I've always had this dream of getting to the point where I could help and inspire other people like me. For years I thought that once I got my weight "under control" I would like to help other women do the same, now I'd like it to be more about inspiring and helping women to take care of themselves, to find and embrace a happy, healthy relationship with food, exercise and their bodies.
The thing holding me back from doing this right now is that I've not really cemented this change in habits and mindset into my own life yet. I'm not striving for perfection - but for more consistency in getting to the gym, eating mindfully and not letting the binge monster take hold.
Inspired by our visioning session in class, I decided to have a coaching session with Michelle last weekend. We got to talking about how I really don't have a lot of faith in myself anymore with regards to seeing things through - I've started and then stopped so many different things over the years that I've come to see myself as a bit of a quitter.
That's when Michelle suggested the concept of setting myself the challenge of "12 months of no quitting". Imagine if I set myself a goal and became determined to achieve it. What if everyday I set the intention that I would not stop? That I would try my best to make sure my decisions were leading me towards, instead of away from that goal? Imagine how much self-esteem and self-belief I could build. Imagine how empowering it would be!
So, that's my current mission - 12 months, no quitting. I'm not talking about anything drastic or extreme - just going to the gym instead of staying in bed an extra hour, eating mindfully instead of binging. I'm going to blog the journey and hopefully inspire others to believe that they are also worth not giving up on.
I'm a week in and already realising it's not going to easy. It's easy to stay stuck in your comfort zone and not have to make an effort - but it also doesn't feel very good. Making a change is harder - but so worth it!
What's your big dream or goal? Want to join me in stopping at nothing to achieve it?
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